Coke Farm

Recyclable Packaging

Peak Season Strawberries

If the best strawberries you’ll ever taste come from a garden, then Coke Farm is your next closest thing! Coke Farm is known for its dark-in-color, firm and sweet strawberries. From now through October (peak season May to September), our seven dedicated farms give our customers up to six different, ripe, sweet, juicy strawberry types from which to choose, including the popular Albion, Monterey, and Sweet Ann varieties. Our high harvesting standards assure quality and consumer appeal.

Our 2020 strawberry program also offers a host of packaging options, with both standard and Sambrailo recyclable clamshells in a variety of sizes, and new this year, the ReadyCycle® recyclable 12-pint open tray.

Eco-Friendly Strawberry Packaging

Sustainable, eco-friendly and green, we partner with industry leaders ReadyCycle® in its packaging innovation for a better environmental packaging solution. These 100% recyclable berry containers give our growers and customers peace of mind that they are participating in a closed loop, farm-to-market-to-earth system.

With strawberries being a hallmark of Coke Farm, we understand well the utmost care they require to maintain their best integrity. Quality packaging matters. These trays and containers are made from 100% recyclable cardboard that is biodegradable, has no wax or plastic, is food-grade adhesive for pricing or branding, and printed with vegetable-based inks.

Innovations like these win. We are proud to offer customers a recyclable packaging option that makes sense for our strawberries, our growers and customers, and of course, the earth.

What's Fresh

"I live in Santa Fe, New Mexico and just purchased your organic strawberries from La Montana Co-Op. Not only are they delicious, but these are the first berries I have seen in a non-plastic container. Thank you SO much"